Thursday, April 19, 2012



Boy and his brother, outside Mandalay

Daybreak at the Shwezigon Pagoda, Bagan

I landed back in Bangkok last night, after a month traipsing up and down the length of Myanmar. It is the most unique place I've ever visited. Decades of relative international isolation has led the country to evolve on its own separate timeline, and every day is filled with unique quirks. There is no such thing as banality in Myanmar.

I encourage anyone thinking about going to go. Go now. The people of Myanmar are friendlier and gentler than anywhere else I've been. I made some lifelong friends. It seemed impossible to walk outside and not get invited to tea or lunch. And Burmese food is a bizarre roller coaster ride of flavor that's virtually unknown outside the country (separate food post coming soon).

Below are links to the first five posts about the country. I hope you like.

(a caveat: some of them are quite long)

1. Yangon

2. Mandalay

3. 30 Hours North

4. Pyin Oo Lwin

5. The Golden Rock